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  1. Make sure you have set up eduroam password.
  2. Download and install the geteduroam via Google Play.
  3. Grant permissions.

    android geteduroam 01.en
  4. Select organization Czech Technical University in Prague.

    android geteduroam 02.en
  5. Type your username in the form <username>@cvut.cz and eduroam password and continue Connect to network.

    android geteduroam 03.en
  6. Secure connection to the eduroam network was successful. By using the eduroam network, you agree to CTU network usage policy.

    android geteduroam 04.en

In case of problems, see Troubleshooting section.

eduroam CAT

  1. Make sure you have set up eduroam password.
  2. Go to this link, click to download eduroam configuration profile and save the profile.

    android cat 01.en

  3. Download and install the eduroamCAT via Google Play.
  4. Open the downloaded configuration profile in the eduroamCAT application.
  5. Grant permissions regarding the configuration and continue with the installation Install.

    android cat 02.en
  6. Type your username in the form <username>@cvut.cz and eduroam password and proceed Install.

    android cat 03.en android cat 04.en

  7. Secure connection to the eduroam network was successful. By using the eduroam network, you agree to CTU network usage policy.

    android cat 05.en
  8. The eduroamCAT application can be removed after the installation.

Alternatively, it is possible to skip step 2 (downloading the profile from the website) and search for the organization directly in the eduroamCAT application, but this approach tends to be problematic.

In case of problems, see Troubleshooting section.