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User Accounts (EN)


Do not share your passwords with anyone. No one from CTU staff is authorized to know your password.

Every student, employee or partner has a CTU account. It is used to log into most faculty and university systems, and its administrator is the Computing and Information Centre of CTU.

However, you may encounter other access data during your time at the faculty.

Tabulka 1. A brief overview of passwords that people will encounter at FIT.
CTU password (CTU account)Login to most faculty and university systemsVIC CTU
FIT passwordConnecting to the faculty VPNICT Department
Eduroam passwordConnection to eduroamVIC CTU
Initial system passwordAccess to some faculty systems (fray, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.)ICT Department

CTU account

The creation of a CTU account occurs automatically after enrollment in the study program; in the case of employees or partners, it is handled by the HR department. It includes a unique username (in the form of, e.g., flynnkev, novakj99)[1]. For more information on the CTU password, see FAQ - CTU Password.

Most operations, such as password changes, are performed in the Usermap portal (see https://ist.cvut.cz/en/our-services/usermap/ for more information). For more information about a forgotten password, see Loss of CTU password. More about creating an account and setting a password at My IT website.

Microsoft account

Together with the CTU account, a Microsoft 365 account is established. These services include, for example, an e-mail mailbox or Microsoft Teams. To log in to Microsoft services, use the CTU username in the form username@cvut.cz and the CTU password.

Due to the frequent confusion with the e-mail address, we present a summary (for more, see Frequently Asked Questions (EN)):

<username>@cvut.czUsername in the Microsoft 365 service, which you use with the CTU password to log in to your e-mail mailbox, Microsoft Teams, etc.
<username>@fit.cvut.czThe primary e-mail address from which you send and receive e-mail communications.

Thus, the mailbox login username and primary e-mail address are different.

Loss of CTU password

The CTU password always expires after one year. An expired password can be restored six months after its expiration and only in the ways specified here (not in the Outlook application, etc.). After exceeding this period, proceed according to the procedure for recovering a forgotten password.

FIT password

The FIT password is currently used for:

  • Authentication when connecting via the faculty VPN.
  • As a login password to faculty systems for externs who do not have an active CTU account.

To set the FIT password, see the ICT Profile portal.

Initial system password

The initial system password is the password the user uses to log in to some faculty systems (e.g. fray, PostgreSQL, Oracle or some specialized classrooms).

In some systems, it is possible to change the value of the system password after logging in with the initial password (e.g. fray). If the user does so and subsequently forgets the password, all that remains is to contact the helpdesk of the ICT department with a request to reset the password.

The initial system password value can be found in the ICT Profile application.


In case of loss or expiration of the CTU password, proceed as described above.

If there is a login issue, please contact the ICT helpdesk.

If you do not have a CTU identity or can’t log in, contact helpdesk@fit.cvut.cz.

  1. This is a unique identifier composed of a surname and a first name. It will not be assigned to anyone else after your relationship with CTU is terminated. The username will be assigned to you during the creation of a CTU account.